Sunday, November 26, 2006


Friday December 1st is World AIDS Day. The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988 to focus global attention on the devastating impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. They have used a red ribbon as the international symbol of HIV for fifteen years. I have decided that I am going to put on my ribbon and wear it everyday until the next World AIDS Day December 1st 2007. Wearing a red ribbon is one of the easiest ways you can make a difference on December 1st. Not just by wearing one yourself, but also encouraging your friends, colleagues and family to wear one as well. If wearing one little ribbon sparks one conversation on this deadly disease then it is well worth wearing.
What are you planning on doing for World AIDS Day? How about going to get tested and taking a friend or your partner with you. I'm tested for HIV every year and by the grace of God I'm clean now I'm not an out there person but I'm sure that everyone has had a moment when they did not use the best judgment and that's all that it takes is a moment. Our community the African American community wants to stay quite about this disease. The church wants to blame it on homosexuality and promiscuity but there is a lot more to it than those two things. We have to start making each other feel comfortable about talking about HIV/AIDS and homosexuality and everything else that is happening in our community. Just because we talk about it does not mean that we condone certain behaviors but it will make it easier for people to come out and be who they are. We have to demand that our pastors speak about the disease not who they think has it or what they think has caused. We need to talk about protection and testing. Abstinence is cool but realistically not everyone is going to practice abstinence’s. We have to start when our kids our young because they are being effected and infected. So please do your part on December 1st talk about it and get tested because knowing is half the battle!

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